Tuesday, March 30, 2010

L35: Patience

Uncertainty is both natural and naturally uncomfortable.  We do long, I do long, to always know the next step, to know what happens next, to see what's coming, in order to plan or really just to know.

But that's just wanting something I ought not have yet.  It's just desiring something that is not mine to desire.  

Without uncertainty, there could not be faith, at least not a faith in the promise that the future is brighter, that the future is where we're supposed to be heading, and in the meantime, we're where we're supposed to be in the meantime.

Patience, though, is highly inconvenient when you live in the tunnel of time as we all do, some more than others.  I'll admit that I'm highly impatient when it comes to not knowing anything, especially about my future.  

That is probably its own form of an unholy lack of contentment, a lack of faith that what is now is what is supposed to be, even just for now.  

Sometimes I'm less a fan of the now and throw all of myself into the next because the next might be better than the now.

There's a right place, somewhere in the middle of it all, of positively seeking real change, patiently looking forward to what comes next and being ready for what it may be (not holding too tightly to what is now because it might just be for now), and having the faith God asks of us to simply be where he has placed us and to know he's placed us there for a reason.

I'm not sure how to straddle all of that right now, but I'm trying.


"the answer's obvious, we switch the consonants, change the sword to words and lift continents"

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