Wednesday, March 10, 2010

L19: Last

I've always believed that it was never about the destination as much as the journey, and I'm still quite sure of that truth. But in light of that I've been undercutting patience for years. When the adventure wasn't ripe, I've been too quick to discount the steps the journey was taking. But there is real merit in the end result, or at least that's what I think I've been realizing lately and I hope it's true.

Because right now it seems I'm tied to an excruciating process of patience and the adventure is far from ripe. The patience is part of the journey and I don't like to admit that. I don't like to be in a place where I've got to "wait and see." But so often that's exactly what God calls us to do. Perhaps I've been inordinately blessed with a processes of progress in my life to this point. Up til now, so much of my time has been spent feeling like and seemingly learning that if i'm not moving forward then I'm not doing something right.

But right now, and probably times before when I've ignored it, the major lesson is just waiting. Because the end result is coming, and it will be worth it, despite the journey, at least this time and probably more times later.

I do still hope and think I know though, that end results of patience are just new steps along the journey.


"it's like a book elegantly bound in a language that you can't read just yet"
-Death Cab for Cutie

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