Tuesday, March 23, 2010


I wonder what it means, that we live in light of eternity. Do our lives become much more (so much more) than the finite specks they are, while we're still living them? And what does it even mean, that a life lived in light of its own eternity has some kind of eternal consequence past its own self? We must be born as something unique already, if what we do, here and now, in this relative speck of time, matters for the rest of it. It's a great divine mystery I'm sure we're not quire able to comprehend, and I'm sure that's how it's supposed to be. But it makes me wonder, it makes me dream, of what might be on the other side, really literally, what is there? What is there that we can impact it from here but that it could make all of this seem like but a bad dream? There's no logic to that, and perhaps, that's exactly the point.


"Surely we can change something"
-David Crowder

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