Thursday, February 26, 2009

Two weeks off....

This will be my last post for a couple of least on Thursdays. Next week, I'll be visiting Hillsdale, and the Thursday after that, I'll still be on the Urban Plunge. Two solid Thursdays, I definitely think.

I made a huge intellectual breakthrough this past weekend.

I discovered what it has all been about...all of basically my last two years of thinking on the subject of the post-modern and how it relates to our faith. The predominant mindset within Christianity seems to still be that post-modernism is another enemy we've got to wrestle in order to defend our faith and our objective truths. The fact of the matter is, viewing anything as an enemy is actually a fundamental misunderstanding of the Gospel...I don't want to get into it too much here, but I was never content in thinking that post-modern thought was inherently worthless. Indeed, it was always alluring and I always felt that there was something to it I just couldn't quite discern, something deeply spiritual, indeed, something straight from the LORD. Maybe it was just me being unwilling to believe that the world is falling from God instead of tending toward him. After this past weekend, I do indeed believe the Kingdom of God began when Jesus came out of the wilderness (well, before that, but it's the first time Jesus talks about it being near), and we've been getting closer and closer to it ever since. It may seem like a sort of degeneration, but the emergence of post-modernism has brought us to the brink of the thrust of the Gospel.

I think I'm going to actually write about it, sort of a second I.S., but for personal reasons, after I finish my I.S.....I might use this blog as some proving ground for all of that, but I'm not going to get too much into it all right now.

I.S., as I've spoke of it, is going well....I've just got to edit 52 more pages then do whatever my advisor says on Monday. I can definitely see being able to turn it in Tuesday. I have no idea where the English Major I.S. handbook is though...I should probably try to come upon that if I can....

I'm going to start another book by Salman Rushdie will probably change my life...again. Post-colonial literature single-handedly made me believe recently-published books could be worth reading, and among the post-colonial, Rushdie is certainly the best.

That being said, I just don't feel like I can fully recommend Rushdie to anyone and everyone. Really, other than English majors, I think much of his aura could be lost...I could be wrong though.

All this could have a lot to do with an ever-increasing (although slowly) interest in the Indian any event, I'm looking forward to the reading experience.

Til next time,
"And I can't tell if you're laughing, between each smile there's a tear in your eye"
-Rise Against

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