Thursday, February 12, 2009


I realize that I post a lot more than I had expected. I probably don't have to keep up my thursday posting appointments...but I will for the time being.

I must tell you that right now, I am exhausted. Yesterday was glorious, but it took a lot more out of me than I expected. I think it was my Tuesday-Wednesday sleep that is doing me in right now; I got a good enough amount tonight. Thankfully it's almost the weekend, but, on that hand, I don't usually sleep in much on the weekend.

Sorry, I don't mean to fill the space with mindless's just coming out right now.

I'm just one step away from entering my "provisional appointment" to InterVarsity staff. Right now, that step is waiting for their response. I can't wait to find out where I'll be going. If I don't make it, I've actually got another job lined up of sorts.....more on that if need be. I think I'll make it though, so I'm not worried. I don't want to get too cocky about it all though...I've been getting too cocky about everything my entire life, and I've been trying to break out of that for just as long to limited but steady success.

March 3rd is apparently a significant day in my life, at least within the past decade or so. I'm not explaining that right now, but one is coming up, so we'll see what happens then. It's a Tuesday this year, which is, hisorically, the most significant day of the week in my life. I hear I was born on a Thursday though, so maybe I'm just wrong. We'll see. I try not to put too much stock in signs, symbols, numbers, and for-no-reason significant numbers/dates, but this march 3rd thing is actually kind of interesting. Unfortunately for you, I don't feel like explaining it right here, right now. Maybe in person sometime, if you're all that interested.

Silence and sleep sound so good right now.

But it could be a very long time before either come to me.

"I found someone, I found you"
-Everyday Sunday

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