Sunday, January 9, 2011


Today started out well enough, but I'll admit that I'm feeling a bit disappointed and frustrated right now at things that really aren't that big of a deal and in light of many little facts that are piling up on their own.

The national staff conference was great, to be certain.

But right now, I'm tired.  I'm kind of hungry but just paid far too much for a bad sandwich, and because of that, I've decided that I hate the St. Louis airport.  I can't find my gum...I thought it was in my pocket, and I'm pretty sure it was, but now I don't know where it is at all.  I don't really want to buy more gum, but I'll probably have to..I'm also worried, increasingly so, that I'll miss the entirety of the Green Bay vs. Philadelphia playoff game because it's apparently been decided to not show it anywhere in the airport.

But that's all just pointless venting.  I did just have a great few days...God definitely met us in St. Louis and the world is, I'm sure, going to be a better place as a result of the conference we just went through.

Even so...I'm tired and I can't wait to get home.  But even now, the channel just switched to the game, and even for something so slight, I know God is good...and has always been so.


"I'm well on my way to almost everything"
-Gnarls Barkley

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