Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Callling Birds

I spent my day making this.  It was fun, but it wasn't much more than typing up stories I've already told 100 times.  It's still fun and exciting though.  It's all so fun and so exciting.

I've had to come to terms with something these last few days, although that's kind of a lie, because it's driving me nuts, so I haven't come to terms with it at all.  I don't think I'm going to reach my goal of 51 finished books this year.  The issue comes in grossly overestimating how many days I could read fully in December.  I always reset my numbers for the month when I get to it, and though I had 25 days in for December all year long, in reality, I had less than ten, and my 20 pages per book I was hovering around jumped up to around 60.  I'm at like 3 days to really read left in 2010 with 7 books to finish.  That's, on average, 67 pages per each of the 7 books I'm reading right now everyday to the end of the year.  I just don't think it's happening...I don't know if there's really enough physical time over 3 days to do that, to say nothing of the actual time I could allot for it.  But we'll see....I'm close to the end of a few things...we'll see what happens.  I'm not giving up, though I probably should.  I'll be very cautious with December when I set up next year in a couple of weeks, and I'll be shooting for less books on the whole.  50 last year was inflated by a semester of Children's literature.  Though I'm 7 books short right now, I'm well over my page total from last year.

I don't really have much of anything to say tonight.  I just felt like saying something.

It's hard to believe 2010 is so close to finished.  It's already winter.  This year flew by, but I'm sure 2011 will be even faster.  I'll be 24 before I know it.  I decided today that I'm the laziest person I know.  I'm going to try to change that, and updating this more often is part of that.  I think I'm a generally better person when I write more.  Experience doesn't lead to wisdom after is reflected upon experience that leads to wisdom because there are plenty of old fools running around.  Look at my mother...she's older than me, very much a fool, and absolutely running around.  I'm sure, til the day either of us dies, she's claim that I don't understand because I'm so much younger than her.  I guess I don't know is she's right or not...but understand or not, nothing she's done this year, or at least very little, could be judged as correct, no matter how much anyone understands.  Her facebook religious views says "I have a relationship with my god" but that's a lie, even though her "god" is her self.  If she was at all in touch with even that, she'd realize that she's on a path of deceitful destruction that will end with her acknowledging wrong or with an obstinate barren loneliness; refusing to admit anything but pitiful to all.  C.S. Lewis said that there are, in the end, only two responses to can tell him "thy will be done" or "my will be done."  The constant insistence on the latter removes life and humanity, little by little, as a creature created for outward connection and love becomes more and more focused on its own self and therefore, less and less as it ought to be.  The irony of sin is that it's so often done in the name of doing what one judges will bring his or her own self the most enjoyment, the best use of his or her own free will, but that very proclamation destroys the very soul who claims it.

Maybe I shouldn't post all of that on a blog.  I don't know.  But I'd rather not take it down now.

While I'm on the topic of self-centeredness, I officially withdraw any support I may have ever claimed of Senator George Voinovich...maybe I'm just uneducated, but I don't quite understand why extending basic rights to humans is bad for other humans who already have those rights.  Someday we'll strike the idea of other from our vocabulary, but we're far from it and Saturday's vote on the DREAM act proved that.  But we live in a broken world.  I just wish I didn't live in a state represented by someone breaking it so fervently.


"It's like that sometime, I mean ridiculous"
-Kanye West

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