Saturday, April 27, 2013

Finals descending

So here we are.  In the midst of reading days, leading up to finals, to end the first year.   "They" always say the first year is the hardest.  If that isn't true, I'm not sure how anyone actually graduates from law school.  It's a winnowing process.

Or something like that.

I don't actually have time to be writing this right now; I should either be studying or getting ready for a wedding (which, of course, is what makes that studying that much more important, since I won't be studying the rest of the afternoon).  

I feel okay about finals.  It's hard to tell though, because it's all set to a curve.  I don't just have to do well to get good grades: I have to do better than my classmates.  No matter how much you study, there's no way to ever feel good about out-performing people on essay questions.

The competition notwithstanding, I do feel good about my chances.  As long as I keep my scholarship, I won't be heartbroken.  As long as I perform near the top of the middle of the pack in each class, then I won't lose my scholarship.

It's hard to believe the first year is already almost over.  Until finals end, it won't feel like it's over.  No matter how well I actually do, just getting this far feels like an accomplishment.

To think that, a year ago, I was still with InterVarsity, just starting at Starbucks, and didn't really know what a "tort" is, makes the road look much longer than it felt.

Truthfully, it was somewhere between the fastest year I've lived, and the hardest- not that those actually preclude each other.

In 20 years, I might look back on this post and laugh at how much I worried about my grades and studying for property.

But 20 years ago, I cared about the teenage mutant ninja turtles a lot more than I do now too.

And even now, I don't think that was stupid, all things considered.


"I ain't play the hand I was dealt, I changed my cards
I prayed to the skies and I changed my stars"

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