Wednesday, November 9, 2011


As you can see, if you've ever been here before, I've redesigned, retitled my "blog" once more.  As I've developed a more regular writing schedule elsewhere and I don't use this like what the term "blog" has come to mean, with regards to a posting schedule and topic, I thought I'd leave the esoteric and grasp the pragmatic.

Nothing really changes except that I've accepted the truth about my blogging habits.  I've never actually edited, at length, a blogpost before posting.  I just sit down and create from the top of my head about whatever is striking me with enough force to generate a roll of thoughts.  I like it.  I want to keep doing it.

That's why I'm recreating this once more.  Days pass and time goes on.  You could say we're always learning.  I like to consider learning the process of reclaiming the reality that truly is, locked deep inside of every person, everything, every experience, everywhere.


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