Friday, September 16, 2011

Over and again

There are so many things I could say, so many things about which I could write, right now.  It's been quite some time since I've posted anything.  I've ate at a few new places, I've finished a couple books.  I would really like to write about one of them..."Me, Myself, and Bob" by Phil Vischer.  It's about the rise and fall of Veggie Tales, but more than that, I think it's about anyone and everyone who has ever attempted anything of any significance.

But right now, I don't think I can, I don't think I quite want to write about that yet.

I've been pondering, for a long time, a post about hip-hop and how I see its place in the world.  But it doesn't quite feel ready yet- not for me to write, and not to face the world.

And yet...I've got to write about something.  Just..something.  Because I've got to write something.


We're within 64 days of the wedding now.  I should have more to say about that...I wrote so much about going away to college.  I wrote so much about leaving Wooster.

But I have no idea what to say about getting married.  I think, perhaps, it really is that unknown, or at least that indescribable, at least for me.  It's exciting, but in ways I'm not sure I would have ever expected.  All of what I would expect is there: the excitement to be joined, forever, with the person I love most; the person I believe, above all others, God ordained from the beginning of either of our lives, for each of us to be with for the remainder of our adult lives.  I am excited that the reality that has always been will be realized and made public on my birthday this year.  At times in my life, I've famously anticipated birthdays.  But this one will always take the cake as the best, most important, most memorable.  If one deserves the best possible day on their birthday, I can't imagine a scenario where I won't get to have that for the rest of my life.  For that, I am thankful and excited.

But the bulk of the excitement comes from a different source from all the giddiness, even from all the relief that planning and spending on this whole thing will be over.  It comes from a deep, placid, consuming desire and assurance that we, on the other side of everything, can, hand in hand, look out upon whatever the world is every day from November 20th forward, and know, whatever comes, we can, we will, face it together.

There will be and have been bumps and bruises along the way to wherever it is we're heading- but there is no shearing of the bond.

If you ask me today, how I know Alexandra is the one for me, the best, most honest answer I can give is this: it feels as if our wedding, though full of ceremony and celebration it will be, is, ultimately, nothing more than a making public of a reality that has been and will always be.

I love Alexandra; I love her so incredibly much.  No matter what I say, no matter how hard I think, I can't come up with a list of reasons that trumps one single, solitary, deep and unyielding truth: I love her because every part of my being is convinced that no one else in all the world belongs by my side, nor I by her or his, even .008 percent as Alexandra and I are to be, joined together by God, for God, and for the good of Cleveland, Ohio, The United States, and the world.


"The crown of thorns was worn, we put the tritons down
We found new forms of anchors, deep inside the ground"

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