It's been a week since I passed through the gates of summer, 1 years down at the old law school.
It's been a good week. I've contra-danced in Oberlin. I'd never contra-danced at Oberlin, but Contra-dancing and Oberlin go together well. It was free, because there are enough Oberlin music students to make it happen, and quirky enough people to make it worth it. In a way, I think Wooster was more progressive than Oberlin, but Oberlin is more liberal. If that makes sense...
I've really done next to nothing for 7 days, and it's been remarkable. I've watched movies, I've watched Breaking Bad, I've played video games, I've read books that aren't law text books (and I've even finished two of them) I've worked out, I've walked the dog.
I've just lived.
Tonight, we're going to see the Great Gatsby. I have no idea if I'll actually like it, but Moulin Rouge and Romeo + Juliet are two old favorites of mine- I don't think Baz Luhrman can make a bad movie, per se. It might not be his best, but I should withhold judgment before actually seeing it.
It's actually been a fast week, though I've enjoyed it. I hope the rest of summer isn't this fast, but I imagine that's actually a little bit too much to ask.
Before I know it, I'll be back at school, hurtling, once more, toward exams within the competitive world in which we're forced to live, 4 months at a time.
That's not bad either though. If this summer is just a chance to catch my breath, I'll take it. But if it's much more than that, I'll start feeling like I'm not getting anywhere all over again, and that's frustrating.
So I hope this summer is appropriately paced; not too slow, too fast, or needlessly begrudged.
I've semi-rediscovered an excellent song from Kanye's "College Dropout" It's called "Two Words" and I think it would be the most popular song on the album if it came out today. It's amazing how prophetically ahead of his time he's always been. In ten years, precisely structured communal albums like "Cruel Summer" will either be the norm or we'll look back on this decade like we look back on the 60s for rock and roll. Anyway, a week into summer, and this is my current song of the summer. Maybe I'll check in weekly with a new track.
There's a pretty good music video too, but all of the youtube versions are edited, and I don't play like that.
"From the bottom so the top's the only place to go now"
-Kanye West
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