Wednesday, December 16, 2009

A Boute de Souffle

Not the movie.

It's translation.


But not in quotes.

I don't know why I'm explaining all of that.... I don't know how familiar with French films, even the most famous of them, anyone reading this is or might be.

But sometimes life is exhilarating, and when I think of exhilarating, I think of being without breath in the best of ways. Without words in the best of ways. That's how I think of exhilarating. Speechlessness. And that's a big thing for me, at least when I'm writing.

I would describe it as saying that it's the feeling that I need to write, because there's something wonderful going on inside of me, but the words just can't come, they just don't come...I'm just stuck with a feeling I can't express...and that's the point...the good point...the best point.

I don't know if you ever feel like that. I don't know how you express yourself...I don't know if exhilaration means an inability to express...

But that's how I feel tonight.

For no single reason. But for many. For all of them.

And the most I can even say, the most I can even do, is to point out that this feeling allows me to stare at the future, the future that is so near but feels so far and is physically very far from where I am now and what I do now, and the feeling lets me feel alright. It lets me enjoy the moment and not worry about what is to come.

Because life is about moments like this.

Life is about moments.


"We put on our winter skin and we walk"
-Jars of Clay

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